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Falterjöchl via Langenweg trail

Starting point: community hall at village centre (grid square E3)
Character: Mule track between mountain meadows with wide open views but always slightly ascending. First part is identical with trail no. 2 and trail no. 34.
Description: At the community hall (L006) take the Razilweg trail on the left to the Oberdorf (upper village) and the village line. Go straight ahead on the main trail to the Weiberkessl (L001). From there walk on the comfortable trail no. 3 (F005). Go right and you will reach in just a few minutes the Falterjöchl (F006), a saddle in open terrain (1 hour). The hill ahead of it, just a few meters above, offers a lovely spot to rest with superb roundabout views.

Roundabout trails:
Take trail no. 33 up to the third serpentine above the Weiberkessl (F004). Go left, ascending for a short bit, then descending flat to Wiesenweg trail no. 2 (F003) back to Ladis (L006). Walking time: 1 1/2 - 1 3/4 hours. To the Falterjöchl as described above. Once there, take trail no. 3 down to the crossing in the Edlachwald forest (F006a). Here go either right on the Faltriweg trail no. 34 back to Ladis or straight on, down to the Villa (L016) and from there on the Wasserwandersteig (Water Trail, L015) back to Ladis. Total walking time: 2 - 2 1/4 hours.


sports Hiking tour
distance 3.22 km
duration 1h
altitude 294m
highest point 1488m
start Gemeindehaus Ladis
endpoint Falterjöchl
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