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St. Georgen

Starting point: Zeno Brücke bridge (D4)
Character: vehicle track to St. Georgen (old chapel, the key is available at the farmhouse), then on a narrow trail
Description: Identical with trail no. 5 to the Stadlwies crossing (S171). Then go left on the vehicle track to the small hamlet St. Georgen (S175). Continue on the narrow trail (S176) to Tösens to the Römerbrücke (Roman
bridge) possible or via Argensteig path 17 (S174) back to Serfaus.


sports Hiking tour
distance 4.46 km
duration 1.5h
altitude 25m
highest point 1427m
start Zeno Brücke (Planq. D4)
endpoint St. Georgen
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