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Obladis (vehicle road) – Schönegg – Rabuschl – Frommes Alp (Windles) – Frommeshütte via forest tracks

Starting point: Schlossweiher pond (grid square F4)
Character: These are wide and not very steep hiking trails, usually through the forest, which can also be hiked in smaller segments or combined with other trails. Obladis: Waldcafé (forest café), Sauerbrunn sulphur springs, Schönegg: good viewpoints and rest spots, Rabuschl: children’s playground and barbecue spot with small pond, Frommes Alp: restaurant with terrace, birds of prey station and Tierlehrweg (Animal Theme Path).
Description: At Schlossweiher pond (L009) go left to the Waldkapelle chapel (identical with trail no. 1). Just after the chapel, go left to Obladis (L065, 40 min.). Shortly before Obladis, the forest track on the right leads up to the Schönegg (L020, 1 1/4 hrs. from Ladis). Follow the forest track upwards until you reach the Fisser Almweg trail (F027) no. 4 and walk left on it to the Rabuschl (F025, 1 3/4 hrs. from Ladis). The trail leads slightly to the right at the Hubertushütte (F050) then in several serpentines into the Schlosswald forest and to the crossing at Windles (F053). Left, downhill a little, you reach the Frommes Alp (F055, 2 1/4 hrs.) in 2 minutes on the wide trail, while the right hand trail continues on, through serpentines, up to the tree line (F066/F067).

Roundabout trails:
As described above via Obladis to the Schönegg (L020). Here, go left on the Schöneggweg trail no. 34 to the crossing at Edlachwald forest (F006a) and then straight on the Faltriweg trail to Ladis. Total walking time: 2 1/2 hours. As described above, go to Windles-Frommes Alp (F055), then take the Tierlehrweg (Animal Theme Path) to trail no. 10 (F056). On this forest trail, go left down to Obsteinsboden (lovely view) and continue downhill in the direction of Fiss. A little further up you reach the Sonnenbahn midway station (F016), which will return you to Ladis. Total walking time: 3 1/4 hours.


sports Hiking tour
distance 7.59 km
duration 3h
altitude 580m
highest point 1753m
start Schlossweiher
endpoint Frommes Alp
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