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Fisser Joch – Mittlerer Sattelkopf – Möseralm – Fiss

Starting point: Schönjochbahn mountain terminal
Description: From the Schönjochbahn (F087) at the Fisser Joch on the Adlerweg trail no. 20 to the Mittleren Sattelkopf (S250). From here, go left on the Sattelsteig path no. 11 (S251) down to the Möseralm (F113) and to Fiss (F129), also possible on the Waalsteig trail no. 8.


sports Hiking tour
difficulty medium
distance 6.76 km
duration 3h
altitude 61m
highest point 2427m
start Bergst. Schönjochbahn (Fisser Joch)
endpoint Fiss
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