(Status: 17 October 2022)

It is expressly agreed that the issuance and use of the SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. is governed by the following provisions:

Scope of services

Anyone who spends one or more nights in a partner company of the members of the ski pass Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis (‘Members’) from 17 June 2023 to 22 October 2023 and is required to register in accordance with the Austrian Registration Law (Meldegesetz, MeldeG) (‘Guest’) will receive from that partner company a SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. in accordance with the following provisions. This card entitles the Guest to use the Members’ facilities during their stay. 

The Guest can inquire directly at their lodging establishment about whether they are a partner company of the Members.

The Members of the ski pass Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis are:

  • Fisser Bergbahnen Gesellschaft mbH, Seilbahnstraße 44, 6533 Fiss
  • Seilbahn Komperdell Gesellschaft mbH, Dorfbahnstraße 75, 6534 Serfaus
  • Waldbahn GmbH & Co OG, Fisser Straße 50, 6533 Fiss

Unless otherwise agreed in these T&Cs, use of the Members’ facilities is governed by the Members’ General Terms & Conditions (‘T&Cs’), which can be retrieved under the internet address ‘’ or will be handed over by the partner company at the Guest’s request.

Issuing the SUPER. SUMMER. CARD.

Each partner company must make the Guest aware of the SUPER. SUMMER. CARD., regardless of the length of their stay.

Guests who stay two nights or more will receive a SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. for use during their stay, including on the days of their arrival and departure. Guests who stay only one night will receive a ‘one-day’ SUPER. SUMMER. CARD., which they may use either on their day of arrival or day of departure.

The SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. cannot be purchased on the open market. Only Guests who stay overnight in a partner company are entitled to the SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. Members do not issue a SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. to Guests. This applies even if the SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. is lost. Loss of the SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. must be reported to the partner company immediately.

When the SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. is issued, the partner company will collect a deposit of 2 euros, which will be refunded when the SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. is returned undamaged (KeyCard). A SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. can be returned only to the partner company that issued it.

Obligation to contribute

The partner company must pay the Members a lump sum cost contribution for each Guest who stays overnight in its lodging establishment during the above-mentioned period, per overnight stay. That cost contribution is reduced for Guests who are considered ‘kids’ and were born between and including 2008 and 2016, and is not required for kids who were born in 2017 or later. Guests born before 2007, on the other hand, are deemed ‘adults’, for whom the full contribution must be paid (there are no ‘youth’ or ‘senior’ rates). 

The partner company must pay this cost contribution whether or not the Guest uses the services of the SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. For that reason, the contribution will not be refunded no matter why the Guest did not use the services: illness, an accident, force majeure, or operational restrictions, interruptions, or closures imposed by the law or authorities or caused by business situations, inclement weather, etc.

Contracting parties; Liability

The partner company that issues the SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. acts only as a representative of the Members so that a contract relationship is formed between the Guest and the Members. Therefore, the Members shall render the services to which the SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. entitles its holder. The specific transport contract, however, is formed only with each Member whose facilities are being used by the Guest.

Any liability toward the Guest in connection with the operation or use of one of the facilities operated by the Members affects only the Member that operates that facility, whether that liability is based on a contract or the law. Neither the remaining Members, the partner company, nor Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis Marketing GmbH, which merely promotes the services of the SUPER. SUMMER. CARD., are liable.

Non-transferability; Loss and damage

The SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. is not transferable. A photo ID must be presented on request.

Loss of the SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. must be reported to the partner company immediately. Until further notice, the Guest is entitled to a replacement SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. These can be issued by the partner company or at the Members’ respective checkout counters. The deposit for a lost SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. will not be refunded.


If the SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. is misused, or if such misuse is suspected, the Members’ employees are entitled and obligated to seize or immediately block the SUPER. SUMMER. CARD.

Exclusion from using the SUPER. SUMMER. CARD.

People who are required to register but not required to pay the tourist tax are not entitled to the issuance of a SUPER. SUMMER. CARD.

Data protection

For the purpose of issuing the SUPER. SUMMER. CARD. and to take advantage of its services, the Guest hereby gives its express consent to have the personal data it disclosed to the partner company processed and forwarded to the Members.

Forum and applicable law

Any disputes arising from or related to the contract relationship with a Member will be settled exclusively by the court having subject-matter jurisdiction at that Member’s registered office, provided that this place of jurisdiction is not inadmissible due to national or European legal provisions in the respective case. Austrian law will apply under the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG; the Vienna Convention).