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Six Senses trail

Starting point: Murmliwasser
Character: wide gravel road, narrow but good walkable trail with a wonderful view of Serfaus and the surrounding mountain world; asphalt street.
Description: From the Murmliwasser (S113) on the wide vehicle track 12d until the playground in front of the Seealm Hög. Along the western, southern and eastern lakeside until the first crossing on a more narrow trail. This trail meanders along a little water ditch through the forest until you reach the wide vehicle track (S154) again at a small pond. Walk down the Waalweg trail 12b until you reach the crossing (S139) at the “sound shower”. Branch off on the trail 12a and leave this one after approx. 400 m at the signpost (S140) to get on the more narrow trail on the right side. On this trail you reach Madatschen after approx. 1 km. From Madatschen an asphalt road leads back to Serfaus.


sports Hiking tour, Thematic route
distance 6.51 km
duration 4h
altitude 99m
highest point 1980m
start Komperdell
endpoint Serfaus
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