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Schlossweiher pond - Neuegg - Schöngampalm

Starting point: Schlossweiher pond (grid square F4)
Description: On trail no. 1 to Neuegg and on the forest track in the direction of the Schöngampalm (F039). At the 3rd crossing go left towards Neuegg (L032, 1/2 hrs.) to the Fisser Almweg trail no. 4 (F031). Just after the Rabuschl (F025, children’s playground and barbecue spot) towards Fiss, ascend on the trail no. 5 to the left (F023) to Obladis and Ladis or no. 34 (L018).


sports Hiking tour
distance 10.75 km
duration 3.5h
altitude 525m
highest point 1658m
start Schlossweiher
endpoint Ladis
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