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Fisser Joch via Kuh Alm, Steinegg and Wonnealm

Starting point: Schönjochbahn valley terminal (grid square B2)
Character: trail no. 9 is a vehicle track or forest trail in its entirety, the initial segment is asphalted. It leads from Fiss via Kuhalm, Steinegg, Wonnealm to Fisser Joch.
Description: From the Schönjochbahn valley terminal (F129) follow the vehicle track (Jochweg trail) along splendid mountain meadows to the Lahnewald forest (F118). Then turn right to the Kuhalm (F121), from there either go left over the steeper cattle path (F060, a bit shorter) or right over the main trail on to the Steinegg (F061, Schönjochbahn midway station). In lots of serpentines, the trail winds its way upwards, past the huge avalanche
protection basin and the Wonnealm to the Schönjochbahn mountain terminal (F087) with its restaurant BergDiamant on the Fisser Joch 2,436 m.


sports Hiking tour
distance 9.38 km
duration 3h
altitude 944m
highest point 2335m
start Talstation Schönjochbahn
endpoint Fisser Joch
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